Come forth, lovers of wisdom, and discover why spending a day with us would fit you like a glove!
When you step into a new environment, you have the chance to form fresh, possibly more positive, or beneficial associations that may end up illuminating you in unexpected ways.
Take pleasure in the novelty of everything. Put the splendour of the entire encounter into concrete form.
It's bubbling, why is it bubbling? Is it supposed to do that? Anyways, verify and register here to embark on a bubbling expedition.
Letting the cold breeze ruffle your hair through an open bus window whilst the sun blinds the corner of your eye.
Smile at the window frames which feel like home, high-five the street signs, and notice the voice announcing incoming trains sounds just like the one in your hometown.
Take your pick! We've got a pharmacy right outside our door, and a hospital right next-door.
Cafes around our campus are filled with people sipping lattes and mulling over their to-do lists at this time of year. Don't forget to smile!
We've got you covered with a plethora of mess and meal places available throughout our campus.
You've got ample options working to enhance the accessibility & availability of quality medicines at real value.